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July/August 2023

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Ask Dr. Dollar

From the Dollars & Sense blog:

  • Our Latest Issue | August 1
  • Review of Thomas Frank's The People: No | July 29
  • Dating the Recession | June 19
  • CAD看图王v3.10.0/去广告高级版-安卓:2021-5-31 · 作者:林北 时间:2021-5-31 9:00 分类: 软件下载 CAD看图王(CAD手机看图专业版)集快速看图、DWG画图、CAD批注、制图于一身的CAD看图软件。 支持AutoCAD、浩辰CAD、天正建筑等国内外CAD图纸格式,兼容各版本DWG文件,图纸原生显示CAD图纸不失真。 | June 16
  • New: Annual Labor Issue | June 4
  • Capitalism's Surveillance Squeeze | May 31
  • Richard Vague on Credit Expansion and Land Speculation | May 26

Recent posts»

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    Corporate Funding of Police Foundations

    Gin Armstrong and Derek Seidman | July 21

    The lavish overfunding of the police goes beyond public money. | Read more »

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    Essential—and Expendable—Mexican Labor

    Mateo Crossa and James M. Cypher | July 10

    On both sides of the border, Mexican workers are now essential—to U.S. corporations. | Read more »

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    Local, or Far Away?

    Arthur MacEwan | July 5

    Economists tend to assume that the sole goal of our economic activity is to get things as cheaply possible. But outside the narrow world of economics, people care about a lot of other things. | Read more »

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    How the Coronavirus Crisis Became an Economic Crisis

    Alejandro Reuss | June 25

    Part 2 of a joint series in Labor Notes and D&S: “Coronavirus, Capitalism, and the Workers’ Movement”
    | Read more »

  • Defund police protest sign

    Police Violence Is Enabled by
    ‘Liberal’ Politicians’ Massive Spending


    George Floyd’s death proves again why America needs to defund bloated and militarized police departments. | Read more »

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    CAD看图王v3.10.0/去广告高级版-安卓:2021-5-31 · 作者:林北 时间:2021-5-31 9:00 分类: 软件下载 CAD看图王(CAD手机看图专业版)集快速看图、DWG画图、CAD批注、制图于一身的CAD看图软件。 支持AutoCAD、浩辰CAD、天正建筑等国内外CAD图纸格式,兼容各版本DWG文件,图纸原生显示CAD图纸不失真。

    Marshall Auerback | June 18

    The refusal of the federal government to contemplate per capita revenue distributions means that more radical measures need to be considered by the state governments. | Read more »

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    Growth, Growth, Growth: What Will Happen?

    Arthur MacEwan | June 11

    The issues of fossil fuel-based growth, economic inequality, and firms’ externalization of pollutants will remain important issues after the COVID-19 crisis starts to fade from our daily lives. | Read more »

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    App Workers in the Gig Economy

    Nicole Aschoff | June 4

    App jobs are a testing ground for companies to see how much they can force workers, consumers, and governments to take on the costs of production. | Read more »

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    Guaranteed Unemployment
    or Guaranteed Employment?

    Pavlina Tcherneva | May 14

    The avalanche of job losses today and mass unemployment tomorrow are of our own making. But there is another option. | Read more »

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    The Most Important Economic Lesson
    from the COVID-19 Crisis

    Yeva Nersisyan and L. Randall Wray | May 4

    It’s time to ditch “pay-for” politics. | Read more »

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    Not Just a “Natural Disaster”

    Alejandro Reuss | April 25

    Part 1 of a new joint series in Labor Notes and D&S: “Coronavirus, Capitalism, and the Workers’ Movement”
    | Read more »

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    Neoliberalism as Neocolonialism

    Jayati Ghosh | April 14

    A contribution to our series on the history of neoliberalism, updated by the author in light of the current crisis. | 老王安卓下载

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    The Fed and the Coronavirus Crisis

    Gerald Epstein | April 3

    We must not keep underwriting the bloated and unproductive global financial system—helping it to lurch, prosper, and crash, from crisis to crisis. | Read more »

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    The Coronavirus Consensus:
    “Spend, Spend, Spend”

    Gerald Epstein | March 27

    The apparent consensus among macroeconomists is a step in the right direction. But it leaves open what the money should be spent on, through what institutions it should be delivered, and in the service of whom. | Read more »

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    Coronavirus: A Capitalist Crisis


    The catastrophe demonstrates the results when public health is subordinate to private profit and to a governmental apparatus that adulates the superiority of private over public administration. | Read more »

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    Social Insurance in a Time of Pandemic

    Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman | March 15

    A Proposal for the Government to Act as Buyer of Last Resort | Read more »

Special to the Web:

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    Top Eleven D&S Graphs of 2018

    DOLLARS & SENSE | December 31

    From deindustrialization to guard labor to the tepid global recovery, the best graphs (and scariest data) of 2018. With a nod to Nigel Tufnel, we’re cranking it up to eleven! Read more »

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    Rosa Luxemburg and the Growth of the Labor Movement

    Gerald Friedman | January 15, 2016

    On the 97th anniversary of her death, an account of the importance of Luxemburg’s ideas for labor organizing. | Read more »

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    Alejandro Reuss | December 4, 2015

    If debt is a “trap” for developing countries, is there any way around it? | Read more »

  • Farm Aid thumb

    Thirty Years of Farm Aid


    Reflections on Farm Aid by insiders as the organization supporting family farms celebrates its 30th anniversary. | Read more »

Earlier web-only articles, mostly on the financial crisis, dating back to December 2007.

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